It is of critical importance to plan for the future. I have said many times that ALL adults need at least a basic estate plan. Surrogate decision making documents, commonly known as Durable Powers of Attorney and Health Care Proxies, are necessary elements of an estate plan designed to help you maintain your quality of life as you age, or should you suffer the misfortune of a medical tragedy involving cognitive impairment. Yet, all too often I speak with people that have waited until after a serious medical event has occurred before seeking advice on what they need to do under their current circumstances.
The time to execute an estate plan is when you still have the cognitive ability to attend to your affairs – NOT AFTER! Many times I have discussed this matter with people who say they don’t need a Durable Power of Attorney and a Health Care Proxy BECAUSE they can take care of things themselves. Well that is the point, you need to execute these documents when you are able to act for yourself. If you wait until you can no longer take care of things for yourself, you have waited too long and you will not have the requisite legal capacity to draw the documents you need to help you maintain your quality of life.
If you want to maintain the quality of your life as you age – it is essential that you execute “at least” a basic estate plan. Do not wait to find out about planning – Knowledge is Power! At least take the time to get information on planning for your future. If you don’t, you may end up in a situation where you incur the expense of a loved going to Probate Court to get the authority to act for you!